Core Team Members

Yu-Fen Chang, PhD
President and Founder
- Postdoctoral research fellow in Division of Cardiovascular Medicine,
John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, UK (2013‐2016 Oct) - JSPS research fellow, Japan (2011‐2013)
- PhD in Life science, Hokkaido University, Japan (2008‐2012)
Research expert: iPSC technology, regenerative medicine, designs of bio‐sensors & physiological indicators, optogenetic platform, genetically encoded tools
Dr. Chang worked on projects of development of a variety of luminescent and fluorescent protein-based indicators during her PhD, which can be used in cellular dynamics measurements and real-time tumor tracking. She was awarded the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship in 2011 to incorporate these indicators into optogenetic tools for studies of neutrons and developing more advanced imaging technology/platform. Her research results were published in several high-impact journals. She has rich experience both in luminescent and fluorescent proteins, and is the first scientist in the world, achieving a breakthrough to use video rate for recording single cell luminescent imaging. She also designed the brightest luminescent proteins in the world, which can be used in in-vivo imaging and auto-luminescent plants. Later, she was awarded a research grant from BHF (2013-2016) to support her research in John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford University, where all of her developed technologies were integrated together for applications in drug screening and clinical research. She was also frequently invited to give talks in Japan and Taiwan for her research and viewpoints on future technology.

Min-Wen Chung, PhD
Head of R & D Department in Chemistry and Co-founder
- Clarendon Scholar of University of Oxford, UK (2011‐2015)
- PhD in Chemistry, University of Oxford, UK (2011‐2015)
Dr. Chung worked on projects of fundamental study of excited-state proton transfer reactions of small organic molecules and photophysical properties of a series of 2nd and 3rd-row transitional metal complexes during her master degree, which are related to the basic principles of fluorescent and luminescent proteins and their applications in bio-imaging. Her research results (during 2008-2011) were published in a number of high-impact journals, and thus was awarded a fully funded scholarship (Clarendon Scholarship) to pursue her PhD in University of Oxford, UK in 2011. During her PhD, she focused on studies of metalloproteins and development of unique spectroelectrochemical approaches for in-situ measurements. After completion of her PhD, she moved to Academia Sinica (Taiwan) as a postdoctoral research fellow to develop H2 production catalysts and their incorporation with nanomaterials. Her expertise in photochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, computational chemistry and material science plays an important role in development of our biotechnology products.
+read moreResearch expert: photochemistry, spectroscopy, bioinorganic chemistry, designs of unique spectroelectrochemical technique, material science and computational chemistry
Dr. Chung worked on projects of fundamental study of excited-state proton transfer reactions of small organic molecules and photophysical properties of a series of 2nd and 3rd-row transitional metal complexes during her master degree, which are related to the basic principles of fluorescent and luminescent proteins and their applications in bio-imaging. Her research results (during 2008-2011) were published in a number of high-impact journals, and thus was awarded a fully funded scholarship (Clarendon Scholarship) to pursue her PhD in University of Oxford, UK in 2011. During her PhD, she focused on studies of metalloproteins and development of unique spectroelectrochemical approaches for in-situ measurements. After completion of her PhD, she moved to Academia Sinica (Taiwan) as a postdoctoral research fellow to develop H2 production catalysts and their incorporation with nanomaterials. Her expertise in photochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, computational chemistry and material science plays an important role in development of our biotechnology products.

Shiu-Mei Wang, PhD
Chief Technology Officer
Dr.Wang has had rich experience in business strategy over the past three years. She has also worked on molecular virology and molecular biology for more than 10 years. Especially, her expert in production and modifications of lentivirus plays a key role in development of our first-generation products.
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Chih-Chuan Su, PhD
Business Development Manager
Expert: microscopy, bio‐sensors & physiological indicators, algorithm, data analysis, forecasting
Dr. Su is a motivated business development manager with a strong technical background in bio-physics and microscopy. He is proficient in project initialization/management, strategy formulation, and the development of new business opportunities.