Team Introduction


Prof Chia-Ning Shen
Deputy Director of Administration, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica

l   Deputy Director of Administration, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

l   Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology & Laboratory Science in Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan

l   Adjunct Associate Professor, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan


Dr. Chia-Ning Shen obtained his Ph.D in 2002 from Developmental Biology Program, University of Bath, United Kingdom and then had his postdoctoral training at the Center of Regenerative Medicine, University of Bath, United Kingdom. Since 2004, Dr. Shen joined the Genomics Research Center of Academia Sinica. Dr. Shen is now an Associate Research Fellow and Deputy Director of Genomics Research Center of Academia Sinica. Since 2017, Dr. Shen has been elected to sever as the president of Taiwan Society for Stem Cell Research (TSSCR).

Dr. Shen’s group has been focusing on determining roles of naturally occurring cell reprogramming such as transdifferentiation (metaplasia) in disease progression will also be needed to address. Specifically, Dr. Shen is investigating whether cell fate switches is important for improving our ability to reprogram somatic cells for the purposes of therapeutic transplantation and also for understanding the rules for transdifferentiation (metaplasia) between cell types. Indeed, islet transplantation has been recognized as an efficient therapeutic approach for treating type I diabetes, however, “shortage of donor supply” limited the usage. Currently, Dr. Shen’s group is trying to generate alternative resources to functional beta-cells utilizing reprogramming-based approaches.
